Andretti Racing


Cheat Menu:
Start a normal race and pause the game at any time. Go down to 'race statistics' and simultaneously press L1, L2, R1, R2, Select, X, Circle. This should bring up a cheat menu.

Extra Car Options:
Just Begin a race and press Start to pause .Select the option,"Race Statistics," and then press and hold:L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + X + Circle simultaneously. This should bring up a new menu full of car options you can adjust to modify your car to improve your racing ability

Different Colored Cars:
Start a new race and select Begin Career. At the Registration screen enter:
GO BEARS! -- for stock cars
GO BRUINS! -- for indy cars
Now check out the car selection screen.....

GameShark Codes

Infinite Fuel	801eb3a83cf8

Qualify in 1st	801eb35ca36d

Thanks to Revolution readers Christopher Jones, Robert Aronson and Rick Adams!